ООО "Сладпром" Адрес и телефон:
Совхозная ул., д. 1 г 446390 Россия, Самарская область, Красноярский район, село Новый Буян
Телефон:+7 (846) 972-01-71, E-mail: sladkodar@slad-prom.ru

For suppliers

We strive after constant development. That is why we are looking for reliable suppliers of ingredients, flavors, coloring agents, packaging, labels. Among our suppliers are only those who fully meet the high requirements set by Sladkodarov for safety and quality.

Requirements to suppliers

  1. Quality and price

    High quality of supplied raw products and reasonable price.

    Reliability: honesty, commitment, flexibility, financial stability.

    Meeting the established deadlines for fulfillment of the current orders.

We'll answer any questions you may have